DPS PvP Meta and Rankings for 3v3 in The War Within Season 2
The War Within Season 2
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This reflects the DPS PvP 3v3 meta for World of Warcraft The War Within Season 2. Based on Murlok.io data from top-rated Arena players, the rankings highlight the most effective DPS specs and builds used in competitive PvP and show how the meta is evolving this season.
1Frost Mage
2362 -
2Feral Druid
2322 -
3Shadow Priest
2250 -
4Windwalker Monk
2241 -
5Fury Warrior
6Outlaw Rogue
2175 -
7Marksmanship Hunter
2172 -
8Elemental Shaman
2170 -
9Subtlety Rogue
2163 -
10Beast Mastery Hunter
11Havoc Demon Hunter
2143 -
12Assassination Rogue
2110 -
13Affliction Warlock
2095 -
14Balance Druid
2064 -
15Devastation Evoker
16Retribution Paladin
2007 -
17Arms Warrior
1994 -
18Destruction Warlock
1994 -
19Demonology Warlock
1973 -
20Arcane Mage
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to common questions about how the rankings are made and how to understand the current meta.
Which DPS class specialization performs best in 3v3 Arena?
The top-performing DPS specialization can change as The War Within Season 2 progresses, but the current one is Frost Mage .
How are the rankings determined?
Rankings are based on data from top-rated players in 3v3 Arena, gathered on Murlok.io using the same criteria as the class guides to ensure characters are active and consistently tied to a specific specialization.
How often are the rankings updated?
Murlok.io rankings are updated every 12 hours using live data, ensuring the meta reflects the latest trends in high-rated PvP.