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Guardian Druid Talents

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Guardian Druid
The War Within Season 2

Talents in World of Warcraft define your character's gameplay. They offer active abilities for offense and defense, major cooldowns, or passive enhancements to your stats and spells. Here are the current Guardian Druid talents for The War Within Season 2.

Where to Find Talents

Talents can be found in the talent menu, which is accessible by pressing the N key (default) or by clicking the target icon in the micro menu:

Screenshot of the talents button in the micro menu

Class Talents

Class talents represent a common tree shared across all Druid specializations. These talents provide foundational skills and enhancements essential to the Druid class, offering a range of abilities that lay the groundwork for a Druid's overall capabilities.

Name Cast Effect
Instant - Melee Range Rake the target for 172 Bleed damage and an additional 958 Bleed damage over 15 sec. wards 1 combo point.
Frenzied Regeneration
Instant - 1 Sec Cooldown Heals you for 32% health over 3 sec.
Instant - 40 Yd Range Heals the target for 7,762 over 12 sec.
2.5 Sec Cast - 40 Yd Range Call down a burst of energy, causing 5,194 Arcane damage to the target, and 1,814 Arcane damage to all other enemies within 5 yards. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
Call down a burst of energy, causing 5,135 Arcane damage to the target, and 1,820 Arcane damage to all other enemies within 5 yards. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
Grievous Wounds
Passive Rake, Rip, and Thrash damage increased by 10%.
Instant - Melee Range Thrash all nearby enemies, dealing immediate physical damage and periodic bleed damage. Damage varies by shapeshift form.
Ursoc's Spirit
Passive Stamina increased by 4%. Stamina in Bear Form is increased by an additional 5%.
Wild Growth
1.5 Sec Cast - 40 Yd Range - 10 Sec Cooldown Heals up to 5 injured allies within 30 yards of the target for 6,039 over 7 sec. Healing starts high and declines over the duration.
Instant - 40 Yd Range - 10 Sec Cooldown Launch a surge of stellar energies at the target, dealing 11,515 Astral damage.
Instant - Melee Range Finishing move that causes Bleed damage over time. Lasts longer per combo point. 1 point : 756 over 8 sec 2 points: 1,134 over 12 sec 3 points: 1,512 over 16 sec 4 points: 1,890 over 20 sec 5 points: 2,268 over 24 sec
Verdant Heart
Passive Frenzied Regeneration and Barkskin increase all healing received by 20%.
Remove Corruption
Instant - 40 Yd Range - 8 Sec Cooldown Nullifies corrupting effects on the friendly target, removing all Curse and Poison effects.
Moonkin Form
Instant Shapeshift into Moonkin Form, increasing the damage of your spells by 10% and your armor by 125%, and granting protection from Polymorph effects. The act of shapeshifting frees you from movement impairing effects.
Moonkin Form
Shapeshift into Moonkin Form, increasing the damage of your spells by 10% and your armor by 125%, and granting protection from Polymorph effects. The act of shapeshifting frees you from movement impairing effects.
Instant - Melee Range - 20 Sec Cooldown Finishing move that causes Physical damage and stuns the target. Damage and duration increased per combo point: 1 point : 84 damage, 1 sec 2 points: 172 damage, 2 sec 3 points: 252 damage, 3 sec 4 points: 335 damage, 4 sec 5 points: 424 damage, 5 sec
Killer Instinct
Passive Physical damage and Armor increased by 6%.
Instant - 0.5 Sec Cooldown Increases armor by 1,592 for 7 sec.
Improved Barkskin
Passive Barkskin's duration is increased by 4 sec.
1.5 Sec Cast - 30 Yd Range Forces the enemy target to sleep for up to 40 sec. Any damage will awaken the target. Only one target can be forced to hibernate at a time. Only works on Beasts and Dragonkin.
Nurturing Instinct
Passive Magical damage and healing increased by 6%.
Instant - 40 Yd Range A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for 1,199 Nature damage and then an additional 10,126 Nature damage over 18 sec.
Primal Fury
Passive While in Cat Form, when you critically strike with an attack that generates a combo point, you gain an additional combo point. Damage over time cannot trigger this effect. Mangle critical strike damage increased by 20%.
Thick Hide
Passive Reduces all damage taken by 4%.
Skull Bash
Instant - 13 Yd Range - 15 Sec Cooldown You charge and bash the target's skull, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec.
Natural Recovery
Passive Healing you receive is increased by 4%.
Astral Influence
Passive Increases the range of all of your spells by 5 yards.
Wild Charge
Instant - 5 25 Yd Range - 15 Sec Cooldown Fly to a nearby ally's position.
Tiger Dash
Instant - 45 Sec Cooldown Shift into Cat Form and increase your movement speed by 200%, reducing gradually over 5 sec.
Instant - 40 Yd Range - 10 Sec Cooldown Soothes the target, dispelling all enrage effects.
1.7 Sec Cast - 20 Yd Range Tosses the enemy target into the air, disorienting them but making them invulnerable for up to 5 sec. Only one target can be affected by your Cyclone at a time.
Instant - 1.5 Min Cooldown Instantly heals you for 30% of maximum health. Usable in all shapeshift forms.
Aessina's Renewal
Passive When a hit deals more than 12% of your maximum health, instantly heal for 10% of your health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
Starlight Conduit
Passive Wrath, Starsurge, and Starfire damage increased by 5%. Starsurge's cooldown is reduced by 4 sec and its mana cost is reduced by 50%.
Feline Swiftness
Passive Increases your movement speed by 15%.
Well-Honed Instincts
Passive When you fall below 40% health, you cast Frenzied Regeneration, up to once every 120 sec.
Matted Fur
Passive When you use Barkskin or Survival Instincts, absorb 1,659 damage for 8 sec.
Stampeding Roar
Instant - 2 Min Cooldown Shift into Bear Form and let loose a wild roar, increasing the movement speed of all friendly players within 15 yards by 60% for 8 sec.
Lingering Healing
Passive Rejuvenation's duration is increased by 3 sec. Regrowth's duration is increased by 3 sec when cast on yourself.
Instant - 30 Sec Cooldown Blasts targets within 15 yards in front of you with a violent Typhoon, knocking them back and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Usable in all shapeshift forms.
Mass Entanglement
Instant - 30 Yd Range - 30 Sec Cooldown Roots the target and all enemies within 12 yards in place for 10 sec. Damage may interrupt the effect. Usable in all shapeshift forms.
Ursol's Vortex
Instant - 30 Yd Range - 1 Min Cooldown Conjures a vortex of wind for 10 sec at the destination, reducing the movement speed of all enemies within 8 yards by 50%. The first time an enemy attempts to leave the vortex, winds will pull that enemy back to its center. Usable in all shapeshift forms.
Passive Survival Instincts and Barkskin reduce damage taken by an additional 10%.
Perfectly-Honed Instincts
Passive Well-Honed Instincts can trigger up to once every 90 sec.
Instincts of the Claw
Passive Ferocious Bite and Maul damage increased by 8%.
Lycara's Teachings
Passive You gain 6% of a stat while in each form: No Form: Haste Cat Form: Critical Strike Bear Form: Versatility Moonkin Form: Mastery
Lore of the Grove
Passive Moonfire and Sunfire damage increased by 10%.
Gale Winds
Passive Increases Typhoon's radius by 20% and its range by 5 yds.
Incessant Tempest
Passive Reduces the cooldown of Typhoon by 5 sec.
Instant - 40 Yd Range - 3 Min Cooldown Infuse a friendly healer with energy, allowing them to cast spells without spending mana for 8 sec.
Incapacitating Roar
Instant - 30 Sec Cooldown Shift into Bear Form and invoke the spirit of Ursol to let loose a deafening roar, incapacitating all enemies within 10 yards for 3 sec. Damage may cancel the effect.
Mighty Bash
Instant - Melee Range - 1 Min Cooldown Invokes the spirit of Ursoc to stun the target for 4 sec. Usable in all shapeshift forms.
Ursine Vigor
Passive For 4 sec after shifting into Bear Form, your health and armor are increased by 15%.
Improved Stampeding Roar
Passive Cooldown reduced by 60 sec.
Circle of the Wild
Passive Physical damage dealt by your abilities increased by 5%.
Circle of the Heavens
Passive Magical damage dealt by your spells increased by 5%.
Lycara's Meditation
Passive You retain Lycara's Teachings' bonus from your most recent shapeshift form for 5 sec after shifting out of it.
Symbiotic Relationship
2.5 Sec Cast - 40 Yd Range Form a bond with an ally. Your self-healing also heals your bonded ally for 10% of the amount healed. Your healing to your bonded ally also heals you for 8% of the amount healed.
Passive Casting Regrowth increases your movement speed and healing received by 8% for 6 sec.
Fluid Form
Passive Shred, Rake, and Skull Bash can be used in any form and shift you into Cat Form, if necessary. Mangle can be used in any form and shifts you into Bear Form. Wrath and Starfire shift you into Moonkin Form, if known.
Heart of the Wild
Instant - 5 Min Cooldown Abilities not associated with your specialization are substantially empowered for 45 sec. alance: Cast time of Balance spells reduced by 30% and damage increased by 20%. eral: Gain 1 Combo Point every 2 sec while in Cat Form and Physical damage increased by 20%. uardian: Bear Form gives an additional 20% Stamina, multiple uses of Ironfur may overlap, and Frenzied Regeneration has 2 charges. estoration: Healing increased by 30%, and mana costs reduced by 50%.
Nature's Vigil
Instant - 1.5 Min Cooldown For 15 sec, all single-target damage also heals a nearby friendly target for 20% of the damage done.

Specialization Talents

Specialization talents provide Guardian Druids with unique abilities and enhancements tailored to their combat style. These talents differentiate Guardian Druids from other Druid specializations, maximizing effectiveness in combat.

Name Cast Effect
Instant - Melee Range Maul the target for 586 Physical damage.
Passive Thrash, Swipe, Moonfire, and Maul have a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle, and to cause it to generate an additional 4 Rage.
Survival Instincts
Instant - 6 Sec Cooldown Reduces all damage you take by 50% for 6 sec.
Dream of Cenarius
Passive When you take non-periodic damage, you have a chance equal to your critical strike to cause your next Regrowth to heal for an additional 130%, and to be instant, free, and castable in all forms for 30 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 20 sec.
Passive Sharp brambles protect you, absorbing and reflecting up to 40 damage from each attack. While Barkskin is active, the brambles also deal 13 Nature damage to all nearby enemies every 1 sec.
Bristling Fur
Instant - 40 Sec Cooldown Bristle your fur, causing you to generate Rage based on damage taken for 8 sec.
Passive Mangle deals 20% additional damage against bleeding targets.
Improved Survival Instincts
Passive Survival Instincts now has 2 charges.
Innate Resolve
Passive Frenzied Regeneration's healing is increased by up to 120% based on your missing health. Frenzied Regeneration has 1 additional charge.
Infected Wounds
Passive Mangle and Maul cause an Infected Wound in the target, reducing their movement speed by 50% for 12 sec.
Ursoc's Endurance
Passive Increases the duration of Barkskin and Ironfur by 2.0 sec.
Gory Fur
Passive Mangle has a 15% chance to reduce the Rage cost of your next Ironfur by 25%.
Passive Frenzied Regeneration heals over 2.0 additional sec and casts Rejuvenation and Regrowth on you at 200% effectiveness.
Vulnerable Flesh
Passive Maul and Raze have an additional 30% chance to critically strike.
Ursol's Warding
Passive Gain magical damage reduction equal to 10% of your damage reduction from armor.
Survival of the Fittest
Passive Reduces the cooldowns of Barkskin and Survival Instincts by 24%.
Passive When you deal direct damage with Thrash, you gain a charge of Earthwarden, reducing the damage of the next auto attack you take by 25%. Earthwarden may have up to 3 charges.
Vicious Cycle
Passive Mangle increases the damage of your next cast of Maul or Raze, and casting Maul or Raze increases the damage of your next Mangle by 15%. Stacks up to 3.
Tooth and Claw
Passive Autoattacks have a 20% chance to empower your next cast of Maul or Raze, stacking up to 2 times. An empowered cast of Maul or Raze deals 40% increased damage, costs 100% less rage, and reduces the target's damage to you by 12% for 6 sec.
Soul of the Forest
Passive Mangle generates 5 more Rage and deals 25% more damage.
Reinforced Fur
Passive Ironfur increases armor by an additional 15% and Barkskin reduces damage taken by an additional 10%.
Thorns of Iron
Passive - 12 Yd Range When you cast Ironfur, also deal Physical damage equal to 20% of your armor, split among enemies within 12 yards. Damage reduced above 4 applications.
After the Wildfire
Passive Every 300 Rage you spend causes a burst of restorative energy, healing allies within 12 yds for 3,186.
Guardian of Elune
Passive Mangle increases the duration of your next Ironfur by 3 sec, or the healing of your next Frenzied Regeneration by 20%.
Fury of Nature
Passive While in Bear Form, you deal 20% increased Arcane damage.
Rend and Tear
Passive Each stack of Thrash reduces the target's damage to you by 2% and increases your damage to them by 2%.
Untamed Savagery
Passive Increases the damage and radius of Thrash by 25%.
Circle of Life and Death
Passive Your damage over time effects deal their damage in 25% less time, and your healing over time effects in 15% less time.
Elune's Favored
Passive While in Bear Form, you deal 10% increased Arcane damage, and are healed for 25% of all Arcane damage done.
Galactic Guardian
Passive Your damage has a 5% chance to trigger a free automatic Moonfire on that target. When this occurs, the next Moonfire you cast generates 8 Rage, and deals 300% increased direct damage.
Ursoc's Fury
Passive Thrash and Maul grant you an absorb shield for 25% of the damage dealt for 15 sec.
Flashing Claws
Passive Thrash has a 20% chance to trigger an additional Thrash. Thrash stacks 2 additional times.
Blood Frenzy
Passive Thrash also generates 3 Rage each time it deals damage, on up to 5 targets.
Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc
Passive An improved Bear Form that grants the benefits of Berserk, causes Mangle to hit up to 3 targets, and increases maximum health by 30%. Lasts 30 sec. You may freely shapeshift in and out of this improved Bear Form for its duration.
Convoke the Spirits
Channeled - 2 Min Cooldown Call upon the spirits for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. You will cast Wild Growth, Swiftmend, Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake, and Thrash on appropriate nearby targets, favoring your current shapeshift form.
Moonless Night
Passive Your direct damage melee abilities against enemies afflicted by Moonfire cause them to burn for an additional 20% Arcane damage.
Scintillating Moonlight
Passive Moonfire reduces damage dealt to you by 10%.
Twin Moonfire
Passive Moonfire deals 8% increased damage and also hits another nearby enemy within 15 yds of the target.
Instant - Melee Range - 45 Sec Cooldown A devastating blow that consumes 2 stacks of your Thrash on the target to deal 728 Physical damage and reduce the damage they deal to you by 35% for 8 sec.
Instant - Melee Range Strike with the might of Ursoc, dealing 588 Physical damage to your target and 315 to all other enemies in front of you. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
Ursoc's Guidance
Passive ncarnation: Guardian of Ursoc: Every 25 Rage you spend reduces the cooldown of Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc by 1 sec. onvoke the Spirits: Convoke the Spirits' cooldown is reduced by 50% and its duration and number of spells cast is reduced by 25%. Convoke the Spirits has an increased chance to use an exceptional spell or ability.
Rage of the Sleeper
Instant - 1 Min Cooldown Unleashes the rage of Ursoc for 8 sec, preventing 20% of all damage you take, increasing your damage done by 15%, granting you 20% leech, and reflecting 250 Nature damage back at your attackers.
Lunar Beam
Instant - 1 Min Cooldown Summons a beam of lunar light at your location, increasing your mastery by 25%, dealing 449 Arcane damage, and healing you for 4,149 over 8 sec.

Hero Talents

Hero talents allow for deeper customization of the Guardian Druid class fantasy, further enhancing its combat effectiveness.

Druid Of The Claw

Name Cast Effect
Passive Your auto-attacks have a chance to make your next Ferocious Bite become Ravage. cffffffffRavage Finishing move that slashes through your target in a wide arc, dealing Physical damage per combo point to your target and consuming up to 25 additional Energy to increase that damage by up to 100%. Hits all other enemies in front of you for reduced damage per combo point spent. 1 point: 254 damage, 101 in an arc 2 points: 513 damage, 197 in an arc 3 points: 765 damage, 294 in an arc 4 points: 1,013 damage, 401 in an arc 5 points: 1,313 damage, 510 in an arc
Fount of Strength
Passive Your maximum Energy and Rage are increased by 20. Frenzied Regeneration also increases your maximum health by 10%.
Dreadful Wound
Passive Ravage also inflicts a Bleed that causes 201 damage over 6 sec and saps its victims' strength, reducing damage they deal to you by 10%. Dreadful Wound is not affected by Circle of Life and Death.
Bestial Strength
Passive Maul and Raze damage increased by 20%.
Wildshape Mastery
Passive Ironfur and Frenzied Regeneration persist in Cat Form. When transforming from Bear to Cat Form, you retain 80% of your Bear Form armor and health for 6 sec. For 6 sec after entering Bear Form, you heal for 10% of damage taken over 8 sec.
Ruthless Aggression
Passive Ravage increases your auto-attack speed by 35% for 6 sec.
Killing Strikes
Passive Ravage increases your Agility by 8% and the armor granted by Ironfur by 20% for 8 sec. Your first Mangle after entering combat makes your next Maul become Ravage.
Pack's Endurance
Passive Stampeding Roar's duration is increased by 25%.
Empowered Shapeshifting
Passive Frenzied Regeneration can be cast in Cat Form for 40 Energy. Bear Form reduces magic damage you take by 4%. Shred and Swipe damage increased by 6%. Mangle damage increased by 15%.
Wildpower Surge
Passive Mangle grants Feline Potential. When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 225% increased damage for its full duration.
Aggravate Wounds
Passive Every attack with an Energy cost that you cast extends the duration of your Dreadful Wounds by 0.6 sec, up to 8 additional sec.
Strike for the Heart
Passive Shred, Swipe, and Mangle's critical strike chance and critical strike damage are increased by 15%.
Tear Down the Mighty
Passive The cooldown of Pulverize is reduced by 10 sec.
Claw Rampage
Passive During Berserk, Shred, Swipe, and Thrash have a 25% chance to make your next Ferocious Bite become Ravage.

Elune's Chosen

Name Cast Effect
Boundless Moonlight
Passive ury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for 15,550 Astral damage. ull Moon Full Moon calls down 2 Minor Moons that deal 13,759 Astral damage and generate 3 Astral Power.
Moon Guardian
Passive Free automatic Moonfires from Galactic Guardian generate 5 Rage.
Lunar Insight
Passive Moonfire deals 20% additional damage.
Glistening Fur
Passive Bear Form and Moonkin Form reduce Arcane damage taken by 6% and all other magic damage taken by 3%.
Lunar Amplification
Passive Each non-Arcane damaging ability you use increases the damage of your next Arcane damaging ability by 3%, stacking up to 3 times.
Atmospheric Exposure
Passive Enemies damaged by Lunar Beam or Fury of Elune take 6% increased damage from you for 6 sec.
Passive Enemies affected by Moonfire are slowed by 20%.
Elune's Grace
Passive Using Wild Charge while in Bear Form or Moonkin Form incurs a 3 sec shorter cooldown.
Stellar Command
Passive Increases the damage of Lunar Beam by 30% and Fury of Elune by 15%.
Lunar Calling
Passive Thrash now deals Arcane damage and its damage is increased by 12%.
The Light of Elune
Passive Moonfire damage has a chance to call down a Fury of Elune to follow your target for 3 sec. ury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy, dealing 6,265 Astral damage over 3 sec within its area. enerates 15 Astral Power over its duration.
Astral Insight
Passive Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc increases Arcane damage from spells and abilities by 10% while active. Increases the duration and number of spells cast by Convoke the Spirits by 25%.
Arcane Affinity
Passive All Arcane damage from your spells and abilities is increased by 3%.
Passive Your Arcane abilities reduce the cooldown of Lunar Beam by 3.0 sec.
The Eternal Moon
Passive Further increases the power of Boundless Moonlight. ury of Elune The flash of energy now generates 6 Astral Power and its damage is increased by 50%. ull Moon New Moon and Half Moon now also call down 1 Minor Moon.

PvP Talents

PvP talents are tailored for player-versus-player combat scenarios. Activated in arenas, battlegrounds, and the open world with War Mode enabled, these talents optimize a Guardian Druid 's performance in PvP encounters. They provide specialized enhancements that give players an edge in combat against other players.

Name Cast Effect
Master Shapeshifter
Your abilities are amplified based on your current shapeshift form, granting an additional effect. aster Form Rejuvenation heals for 30% more and causes you to instantly generate 25 Rage after entering Bear Form. oonkin Form Wrath, Starfire, and Starsurge deal 30% additional damage and cause you to instantly generate 25 Rage after entering Bear Form. at Form Rip, Ferocious Bite, and Maim deal 60% additional damage and cause you to instantly generate 50 Rage after entering Bear Form when cast with 5 combo points.
Den Mother
You bolster nearby allies within 15 yards, increasing their maximum health by 15%. The duration of all stun effects on you is reduced by 15%.
Demoralizing Roar
Demoralizes all enemies within 10 yards, reducing the damage they do by 20% for 8 sec.
Charging Bash
Increases the range of your Skull Bash by 10 yards.
Entangling Claws
Entangling Roots is now an instant cast spell with a 6 second cooldown but with a 10 yard range. It can also be cast while in shapeshift forms.
Charge to an enemy, stunning them for 3 sec and knocking back their allies within 15 yards.
Emerald Slumber
Embrace the Emerald Dream, causing you to enter a deep slumber for 8 sec. While sleeping, all other cooldowns recover 400% faster, and allies within 40 yds are healed for 318 every 1 sec. Direct damage taken may awaken you.
Alpha Challenge
You focus the assault on this target, increasing their damage taken by 3% for 6 sec. Each unique player that attacks the target increases the damage taken by an additional 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Your melee attacks refresh the duration of Focused Assault.
Malorne's Swiftness
Your Travel Form movement speed while within a Battleground or Arena is increased by 20% and you always move at 100% movement speed while in Travel Form.
Freedom of the Herd
Your Stampeding Roar clears all roots and snares from yourself and allies.
Grove Protection
Summon a grove to protect allies in the area for 10 sec, reducing damage taken by 50% from enemies outside the grove.
Tireless Pursuit
For 3 sec after leaving Cat Form or Travel Form, you retain up to 40% movement speed.