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Vengeance Demon Hunter Talents

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Vengeance Demon Hunter
The War Within Season 1

Talents in World of Warcraft define your character's gameplay. They offer active abilities for offense and defense, major cooldowns, or passive enhancements to your stats and spells. Here are the current Vengeance Demon Hunter talents for The War Within Season 1.

Where to Find Talents

Talents can be found in the talent menu, which is accessible by pressing the N key (default) or by clicking the target icon in the micro menu:

Screenshot of the talents button in the micro menu

Class Talents

Class talents represent a common tree shared across all Demon Hunter specializations. These talents provide foundational skills and enhancements essential to the Demon Hunter class, offering a range of abilities that lay the groundwork for a Demon Hunter's overall capabilities.

Name Cast Effect
Vengeful Retreat
Instant - 25 Sec Cooldown Remove all snares and vault away. Nearby enemies take 85 Physical damage.
Blazing Path
Passive Fel Rush gains an additional charge.
Sigil of Misery
Instant - 30 Yd Range - 2 Min Cooldown Place a Sigil of Misery at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Causes all enemies affected by the sigil to cower in fear, disorienting them for 15 sec.
Vengeful Bonds
Passive Vengeful Retreat reduces the movement speed of all nearby enemies by 70% for 3 sec.
Unrestrained Fury
Passive Increases maximum Fury by 20.
Shattered Restoration
Passive The healing of Shattered Souls is increased by 10%.
Improved Sigil of Misery
Passive Reduces the cooldown of Sigil of Misery by 30 sec.
Bouncing Glaives
Passive Throw Glaive ricochets to 1 additional target.
Instant - 20 Yd Range - 45 Sec Cooldown Imprisons a demon, beast, or humanoid, incapacitating them for 1 min. Damage will cancel the effect. Limit 1.
Charred Warblades
Passive You heal for 3% of all Fire damage you deal.
Chaos Nova
Instant - 45 Sec Cooldown Unleash an eruption of fel energy, dealing 147 Chaos damage and stunning all nearby enemies for 2 sec.
Improved Disrupt
Passive Increases the range of Disrupt to 10 yds.
Consume Magic
Instant - 30 Yd Range - 10 Sec Cooldown Consume 1 beneficial Magic effect removing it from the target.
Aldrachi Design
Passive Increases your chance to parry by 3%.
Chaos Fragments
Passive Each enemy stunned by Chaos Nova has a 30% chance to generate a Lesser Soul Fragment.
Master of the Glaive
Passive Throw Glaive has 2 charges and snares all enemies hit by 50% for 6 sec.
Champion of the Glaive
Passive Throw Glaive has 2 charges and 10 yard increased range.
Disrupting Fury
Passive Disrupt generates 30 Fury on a successful interrupt.
Instant - 15 Yd Range - 15 Sec Cooldown Charge to your target and deal 590 Fire damage. Demon's Bite has a chance to reset the cooldown of Felblade. enerates 40 Fury.
Swallowed Anger
Passive Consume Magic generates 20 Fury when a beneficial Magic effect is successfully removed from the target.
Aura of Pain
Passive Increases the critical strike chance of Immolation Aura by 6%.
Live by the Glaive
Passive When you parry an attack or have one of your attacks parried, restore 2% of max health and 10 Fury. This effect may only occur once every 5 sec.
Passive Mastery increases your movement speed.
Soul Rending
Passive Leech increased by 10%. Gain an additional 10% leech while Metamorphosis is active.
Infernal Armor
Passive Immolation Aura increases your armor by 20% and causes melee attackers to suffer 32 Fire damage.
Lost in Darkness
Passive Spectral Sight lasts an additional 6 sec if disrupted by attacking or taking damage.
Felfire Haste
Passive Fel Rush increases your movement speed by 10% for 8 sec.
Illidari Knowledge
Passive Reduces magic damage taken by 5%.
Passive Eye Beam causes you to enter demon form for 5 sec after it finishes dealing damage.
Will of the Illidari
Passive Increases maximum health by 5%.
Precise Sigils
Passive All Sigils are now placed at your target's location.
Internal Struggle
Passive Increases your mastery by 2.4%.
Instant - 5 Min Cooldown Summons darkness around you in an 8 yd radius, granting friendly targets a 15% chance to avoid all damage from an attack. Lasts 8 sec. Chance to avoid damage increased by 100% when not in a raid.
Soul Sigils
Passive Afflicting an enemy with a Sigil generates 1 Lesser Soul Fragment.
Quickened Sigils
Passive All Sigils activate 1 second faster.
Erratic Felheart
Passive The cooldown of Fel Rush is reduced by 20%.
Long Night
Passive Increases the duration of Darkness by 3 sec.
Pitch Black
Passive Reduces the cooldown of Darkness by 120 sec.
Rush of Chaos
Passive Reduces the cooldown of Metamorphosis by 60 sec.
Demon Muzzle
Passive Enemies deal 8% reduced magic damage to you for 8 sec after being afflicted by one of your Sigils.
Flames of Fury
Passive Sigil of Flame deals 70% increased damage and generates 2 additional Fury per target hit.
Collective Anguish
Passive Eye Beam summons an allied Vengeance Demon Hunter who casts Fel Devastation, dealing 943 Fire damage over 2 sec. Dealing damage heals you for up to 103 health.
The Hunt
1 Sec Cast - 50 Yd Range - 1.5 Min Cooldown Charge to your target, striking them for 2,702 Chaos damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting 2,119 Chaos damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 10% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 20 sec.
Sigil of Spite
Instant - 30 Yd Range Place a demonic sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal 2,281 Chaos damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.

Specialization Talents

Specialization talents provide Vengeance Demon Hunters with unique abilities and enhancements tailored to their combat style. These talents differentiate Vengeance Demon Hunters from other Demon Hunter specializations, maximizing effectiveness in combat.

Name Cast Effect
Fel Devastation
Channeled - 20 Yd Range - 40 Sec Cooldown Unleash the fel within you, damaging enemies directly in front of you for 1,391 Fire damage over 2 sec.
Passive Enemies struck by Sigil of Flame are afflicted with Frailty for 6 sec. You heal for 8% of all damage you deal to targets with Frailty.
Fiery Brand
Instant - 30 Yd Range Brand an enemy with a demonic symbol, instantly dealing 1,110 Fire damage. The enemy's damage done to you is reduced by 40% for 12 sec.
Shear Fury
Passive Shear generates 10 additional Fury.
Instant - Melee Range Rapidly slash your target for 335 Physical damage, and shatter 2 Lesser Soul Fragments from them. enerates 25 Fury.
Deflecting Spikes
Passive Demon Spikes also increases your Parry chance by 15% for 6 sec.
Ascending Flame
Passive Sigil of Flame's initial damage is increased by 50%. Multiple applications of Sigil of Flame may overlap.
Perfectly Balanced Glaive
Passive Reduces the cooldown of Throw Glaive by 6 sec.
Calcified Spikes
Passive You take 12% reduced damage after Demon Spikes ends, fading by 1% per second.
Roaring Fire
Passive Fel Devastation heals you for up to 50% more, based on your missing health.
Sigil of Silence
Instant - 30 Yd Range - 1 Min Cooldown Place a Sigil of Silence at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Silences all enemies affected by the sigil for 4 sec.
Passive While Demon Spikes is active, melee attacks against you cause the attacker to take 82 Physical damage. Generates high threat.
Meteoric Strikes
Passive Reduce the cooldown of Infernal Strike by 10 sec.
Spirit Bomb
Instant Consume up to 5 available Soul Fragments then explode, damaging nearby enemies for 190 Fire damage per fragment consumed, and afflicting them with Frailty for 6 sec, causing you to heal for 8% of damage you deal to them. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
Feast of Souls
Passive Soul Cleave heals you for an additional 955 over 6 sec.
Agonizing Flames
Passive Immolation Aura increases your movement speed by 10% and its duration is increased by 50%.
Extended Spikes
Passive Increases the duration of Demon Spikes by 2 sec.
Burning Blood
Passive Fire damage increased by 10%.
Soul Barrier
Instant - 30 Sec Cooldown Shield yourself for 15 sec, absorbing 7,965 damage. Consumes all available Soul Fragments to add 2,124 to the shield per fragment.
Bulk Extraction
Instant - 1 Min Cooldown Demolish the spirit of all those around you, dealing 169 Fire damage to nearby enemies and extracting up to 5 Lesser Soul Fragments, drawing them to you for immediate consumption.
Revel in Pain
Passive When Fiery Brand expires on your primary target, you gain a shield that absorbs up 4,481 damage for 15 sec, based on your damage dealt to them while Fiery Brand was active.
Void Reaver
Passive Frailty now also reduces all damage you take from afflicted targets by 3%. Enemies struck by Soul Cleave are afflicted with Frailty for 6 sec.
Passive Immolation Aura's initial burst has a chance to shatter Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies.
Ruinous Bulwark
Passive Fel Devastation heals for an additional 10%, and 100% of its healing is converted into an absorb shield for 10 sec.
Volatile Flameblood
Passive Immolation Aura generates 5-10 Fury when it deals critical damage. This effect may only occur once per 1 sec.
Fel Flame Fortification
Passive You take 10% reduced magic damage while Immolation Aura is active.
Soul Furnace
Passive Every 10 Soul Fragments you consume increases the damage of your next Soul Cleave or Spirit Bomb by 40%.
Passive Consuming a Soul Fragment reduces all damage you take by 2% for 6 sec. Multiple applications may overlap.
Sigil of Chains
Instant - 30 Yd Range - 1 Min Cooldown Place a Sigil of Chains at the target location that activates after 2 sec. All enemies affected by the sigil are pulled to its center and are snared, reducing movement speed by 70% for 6 sec.
Fiery Demise
Passive Fiery Brand also increases Fire damage you deal to the target by 40%.
Chains of Anger
Passive Increases the duration of your Sigils by 2 sec and radius by 2 yds.
Focused Cleave
Passive Soul Cleave deals 50% increased damage to your primary target.
Passive When consuming a Soul Fragment would heal you above full health it shields you instead, up to a maximum of 19,734.
Stoke the Flames
Passive Fel Devastation damage increased by 35%.
Burning Alive
Passive Every 1 sec, Fiery Brand spreads to one nearby enemy.
Cycle of Binding
Passive Afflicting an enemy with a Sigil reduces the cooldown of your Sigils by 2 sec.
Passive Frailty now also increases all damage you deal to afflicted targets by 4%.
Feed the Demon
Passive Consuming a Soul Fragment reduces the remaining cooldown of Demon Spikes by 0.50 sec.
Charred Flesh
Passive Immolation Aura damage increases the duration of your Fiery Brand and Sigil of Flame by 0.50 sec.
Passive Multiple applications of Frailty may overlap. Soul Cleave applies Frailty to your primary target for 8 sec.
Soul Carver
Instant - Melee Range - 1 Min Cooldown Carve into the soul of your target, dealing 1,097 Fire damage and an additional 709 Fire damage over 3 sec. Immediately shatters 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from the target and 1 additional Lesser Soul Fragment every 1 sec.
Last Resort
Passive Sustaining fatal damage instead transforms you to Metamorphosis form. This may occur once every 8 min.
Darkglare Boon
Passive When Fel Devastation finishes fully channeling, it refreshes 15-30% of its cooldown and refunds 15-30 Fury.
Down in Flames
Passive Fiery Brand has 12 sec reduced cooldown and 1 additional charge.
Illuminated Sigils
Passive Sigil of Flame has 5 sec reduced cooldown and 1 additional charge. You have 12% increased chance to parry attacks from enemies afflicted by your Sigil of Flame.

Hero Talents

Hero talents allow for deeper customization of the Vengeance Demon Hunter class fantasy, further enhancing its combat effectiveness.

Fel Scarred

Name Cast Effect
Passive Metamorphosis now also greatly empowers Soul Cleave and Spirit Bomb. While demon form is active, the first cast of each empowered ability induces a Demonsurge, causing you to explode with Fel energy, dealing 1,072 Fire damage to nearby enemies.
Wave of Debilitation
Passive Chaos Nova slows enemies by 60% and reduces attack and cast speed 15% for 5 sec after its stun fades.
Pursuit of Angriness
Passive Movement speed increased by 1% per 10 Fury.
Focused Hatred
Passive Demonsurge deals 50% increased damage when it strikes a single target.
Set Fire to the Pain
Passive 5% of all non-Fire damage taken is instead taken as Fire damage over 6 sec. Fire damage taken reduced by 10%.
Improved Soul Rending
Passive Leech granted by Soul Rending increased by 2% and an additional 2% while Metamorphosis is active.
Burning Blades
Passive Your blades burn with Fel energy, causing your Soul Cleave, Throw Glaive, and auto-attacks to deal an additional 35% damage as Fire over 6 sec.
Violent Transformation
Passive When you activate Metamorphosis, the cooldowns of your Sigil of Flame and Fel Devastation are immediately reset.
Enduring Torment
Passive The effects of your demon form persist outside of it in a weakened state, increasing maximum health by 5% and Armor by 20%.
Untethered Fury
Passive Maximum Fury increased by 50.
Student of Suffering
Passive Sigil of Flame applies Student of Suffering to you, increasing Mastery by 14.4% and granting 5 Fury every 2 sec, for 8 sec.
Passive Immolation Aura has 2 yd increased radius and 25% increased critical strike damage bonus.
Monster Rising
Passive Agility increased by 8% while not in demon form.
Demonic Intensity
Passive Activating Metamorphosis greatly empowers Fel Devastation, Immolation Aura, and Sigil of Flame. Demonsurge damage is increased by 10% for each time it previously triggered while your demon form is active.

Aldrachi Reaver

Name Cast Effect
Art of the Glaive
Passive Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive. eaver's Glaive: Throw a glaive enhanced with the essence of consumed souls at your target, dealing 1,831 Physical damage and ricocheting to 2 additional enemies. Begins a well-practiced pattern of glaivework, enhancing your next Shear and Soul Cleave. The enhanced ability you cast first deals 10% increased damage, and the second deals 20% increased damage.
Fury of the Aldrachi
Passive When enhanced by Reaver's Glaive, Soul Cleave casts 3 additional glaive slashes to nearby targets. If cast after Shear, cast 6 slashes instead.
Evasive Action
Passive Vengeful Retreat can be cast a second time within 3 sec.
Unhindered Assault
Passive Vengeful Retreat resets the cooldown of Felblade.
Reaver's Mark
Passive When enhanced by Reaver's Glaive, Shear applies Reaver's Mark, which causes the target to take 7% increased damage for 20 sec. If cast after Soul Cleave, Reaver's Mark is increased to 14%.
Aldrachi Tactics
Passive The second enhanced ability in a pattern shatters an additional Soul Fragment.
Army Unto Oneself
Passive Felblade surrounds you with a Blade Ward, reducing damage taken by 10% for 5 sec.
Incorruptible Spirit
Passive Each Soul Fragment you consume shields you for an additional 15% of the amount healed.
Wounded Quarry
Passive While eaver's Mark is on your target, melee attacks strike with an additional glaive slash for 106 Physical damage and have a chance to shatter a soul.
Incisive Blade
Passive Soul Cleave deals 10% increased damage.
Keen Engagement
Passive Reaver's Glaive generates 20 Fury.
Preemptive Strike
Passive Throw Glaive deals 1,062 damage to enemies near its initial target.
Warblade's Hunger
Passive Consuming a Soul Fragment causes your next Shear to deal 212 additional damage.
Thrill of the Fight
Passive After consuming both enhancements, gain Thrill of the Fight, increasing your attack speed by 15% for 20 sec and your damage and healing by 20% for 10 sec.

PvP Talents

PvP talents are tailored for player-versus-player combat scenarios. Activated in arenas, battlegrounds, and the open world with War Mode enabled, these talents optimize a Vengeance Demon Hunter 's performance in PvP encounters. They provide specialized enhancements that give players an edge in combat against other players.

Name Cast Effect
Cleansed by Flame
Immolation Aura dispels a magical effect on you when cast.
Everlasting Hunt
Dealing damage increases your movement speed by 15% for 3 sec.
Jagged Spikes
While Demon Spikes is active, melee attacks against you cause Physical damage equal to 30% of the damage taken back to the attacker.
Illidan's Grasp
You strangle the target with demonic magic, stunning them in place and dealing 3,717 Shadow damage over 5 sec while the target is grasped. Can move while channeling. Use Illidan's Grasp again to toss the target to a location within 40 yards, stunning them and all nearby enemies for 3 sec and dealing 1,113 Shadow damage.
You focus the assault on this target, increasing their damage taken by 3% for 6 sec. Each unique player that attacks the target increases the damage taken by an additional 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Your melee attacks refresh the duration of Focused Assault.
Sigil Mastery
Reduces the cooldown of your Sigils by an additional 25%.
Demonic Trample
Transform to demon form, moving at 175% increased speed for 3 sec, knocking down all enemies in your path and dealing 57.2 Physical damage. During Demonic Trample you are unaffected by snares but cannot cast spells or use your normal attacks. Shares charges with Infernal Strike.
Reverse Magic
Removes all harmful magical effects from yourself and all nearby allies within 10 yards, and sends them back to their original caster if possible.
Imprison's PvP duration is increased by 1 sec, and targets become immune to damage and healing while imprisoned.
Unending Hatred
Taking damage causes you to gain Fury based on the damage dealt.
Blood Moon
Consume Magic now affects all enemies within 8 yards of the target and generates a Lesser Soul Fragment. Each effect consumed has a 5% chance to upgrade to a Greater Soul.
Cover of Darkness
The radius of Darkness is increased by 4 yds, and its duration by 2 sec.
Rain from Above
You fly into the air out of harm's way. While floating, you gain access to Fel Lance allowing you to deal damage to enemies below.
Vengeful Retreat provides immunity to loss of control effects, and reduces damage taken by 35% until you land.